
New Yorkers Still Need a Rent Freeze

JULY 7, 2014 As housing costs across New York City skyrocket, rent stabilization is often one of the only protections keeping low-income, working-class and middle-class folks in their neighborhoods for the long-term. Yet, on June 23rd, New York City’s Rent Guidelines Board voted for a rent increase for the city’s 2.5 million rent-stabilized tenants. Ignoring…

Forget NYC and S.F.—the Rent Is Too Damn High Everywhere

Families, minorities pushed out by waves of tenants who can pay more. June 25, 2014 By Solvej Schou For renters’ rights advocate Jean Folkes, the fight to maintain stabilized rents in increasingly pricey New York City—where rents average a massive $3,000 a month—is not only political but personal. The Brooklyn tenant has spent months passionately…

Mayor de Blasio Urges Rent Freeze, Doesn’t Get It

Regulators Approve Small Increases for N.Y. Rent-Regulated Tenants By JOSH BARBANEL The city Rent Guidelines Board narrowly approved small rent increases for rent-regulated apartments Monday night despite Mayor Bill de Blasio’s urging earlier in the …MORE Hosted by Australia for the first time, the tournament will run from 9 to 31 JanuaryThe airport looks good,…

A ‘New Era’ for Tenants?

By Ryan Hutchins 5:56 a.m. | Jun. 4, 2014 The line to get into the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customs House stretched out the door for a good hundred feet one evening in early May. The tightly-controlled structure on the Bowling Green was not the best choice of location for a meeting that would turn out…

Costs Threaten New York City Mayor’s Rent Plan

De Blasio Wants to Give Rent-Regulated Tenants a Holiday From Rent Increases This Year By JOSH BARBANEL Mayor Bill de Blasio’s push to give rent-regulated tenants a holiday from rent increases …MORE Her PhD thesis in history of science and medicine focuses on cerebral theories of adolescence, in a gender perspective They were fighting.michael kors…

State Boosts Tenant Rights

Agency Rent-Regulation System Is More Tenant Friendly, Many Say By JOSH BARBANEL The state agency that oversees New York’s rent-regulation system in New York has changed the game, by making the rules more friendly to tenants, both landlords and tenant leaders say. Katie Goldstein, director of organizing for New York State Tenants & Neighbors …MORE…

Tenants citywide are urged to march and rally Uptown this weekend to support affordable housing and strong rent laws

With only 11 days until the 2014 general election, political junkies are watching the battle for the New York State Senate closely to see which party will control the chamber. But for tenants and housing advocates, this coming election is only the starting point: the real date to watch is June 15, 2015, the day…